A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)

ECT. II.) WALKING. 167 SLOW TIME. SHORT DISTANCE. Exercise 1. CouRsE I. Advance the left foot a free tep, at the same time incline the column of the body to the front ; the head, neck, trunk, and right leg forming a line Fig. 1. slightly slanting from rear to front; the right heel raised from the ground, the lower limbs supple, the left knee bent, the right nearly straight; the arms hang- ing naturally by the sides, the palms open, but not spread, and turned inwards to- wards the thighs, but not touching them ; the fingers together but not extended; the whole column of the body unconstrained; the head and neck perfectly free (Fig. 1). Press lightly from the right foot, quit the ground and let the limb swing to the front, the body retaining its forward inclination. When the right foot has swung to the front the length of the step, softly place it on the ground, the heel first, the toes last, and as these descend rai e the heel of the left, now relieved of the weight of the body, which will have been transferred to the right. Repeat. After the slow time, in order to acqture correct action and position, walking should be practised as follows :- Exercise 2. CouRSE II. At half speed Exercise 3. CouRSE III. Exercise 4. CouR E IV. At speed At speed Short distance. Short distance. Long distance.