A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)

182 EXERCISES OF PROGRESSION. (SECT. II. TO LEAP HEIGHT, IN ONE MOVEMENT. Fi't·st Series. Exercise 2. CouRsE I. Position as in first exer- CISe. 1. As in first exercise to the spring, except that the act of propulsion of the feet should be more directed to the front. 2. Clear the barrier (Fig. 2), and descend yielding. Fig. 2. TO 'LEAP HEIGHT, ONE MOVEMENT, THE LEFT SIDE LEADING. First Se'ries. E xercise 3. CouRsE I. Position of at- tention, the bar- rier in profile on the left, the dis- tance as in first exercise. 1. Repeat the preliminary move- ments, as in first exercise, giving the arms a lateral inclination (to- wards the barrier) on their eleva- tion. 2. Spring from the feet in the same direction, clearing the barrier Fig. 8), and descend yielding, (the barrier on the right). Fig. 3. This exerci e to be repeated with the right side leading.