A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)
SECT. II.] First Se1·ies. Exercise 4. CouRsE I. LEAPING. 183 TO LEAP WIDTH. Position of attention, the toes at the edge of the mark. 1. Bring the arms slowly upward and forward to the line of the shoulder, the hands closed (Fig. 4); bring them again downward and rear- ward to their full extension, at the same time depressing the lower limbs as in first exercise ; repeat these movements three times. 2. Spring from the feet with the entire force of propulsion of the lower limbs and at the same instant throw the upper Fig. 4. Fig. 5. limbs to the front (Fig. 5) ; descend yielding, but let the entire sole of the foot meet the ground. TO LEAP HEIGHT AND WIDTH COMBINED. Fi1·st Series. Exercise 5. CouRsE III. Position as in first exercise. 1. As in first exercise. 2. Spring from the feet, as in first exer-
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