A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)
184 EXERCISES OF PROGRESSION. (SECT. II. cise, clear the barrier and the space beyond ; descend yielding. If the barrier be the first part of the obstacle, throw the arms and incline the body to the front, on clearing it ; if the second part, bend the back inwards on clearing it and throw the hands to the extension of the arms, to the front upwards ; descend yielding. TO LEAP WIDTH, TO THE REAR. First Series. Exercise 6. CouRsE II. Position of attention, the heels at the edge of the mark. 1. The preliminary movements as in first exercise, except that the downward exten- sion of the arms should be carried farther to the rear. 2. Spring from the feet, throwing the arms energetically to the rear (Fig. 6), the hands open, the palms up- wards ; descend yield- ing. As soon as the feet meet the ground, brjng the hands down by the sides, the palms downwards and to the front. Fig. 6.
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