A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)
SECT. II.] LEAPING. 185 TO LEAP WIDTH, SIDEWAYS. First Series. Exercise 7. CouRsE II. Position of attention, the mark in profile on the right, the edge of the right foot touching it. 1. Slightly bend the knees, letting them jut over, but not beyond, the toes ; swing the arms upwards and across the body in front ; on the return of the third swing or oscillation to the left, bend the knees steadily downward, the right lower than the left, raising the heels and resting on the fore part of the feet. 2. As the hands at- tain the culminating point, throw them rapidly and energeti- cally to the right ; at the same time spring from the feet with their entire concentrated force of propulsion (Fig. 7), and descend yielding. This exercise to be repeated on the left. TO LEAP DEPTH. Fig. 7. First Series. Exercise 8. CouRsE II. Position of attention, the toes at the edge of the platform or ditch. 1. Bend the knees until they jut over the toes, and above the space, raising the
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