A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)

188 EXERCISES OF PROGRESSION. [SECT. II . TO LEAP WIDTH AND DEPTH COMBINED, TO THE REAR. Fi'l'St Series. Exercise 11. CouRSE IV. Position as in ninth exercise. 1. (Glance to the rear and determine ou the spot to be reached in the leap.) The preliminary movements as in sixth exercise . 2. Spring from the feet, at the same time throw the hands to the rear, open, with the palms downwards, and descend yielding. A SECOND METHOD. First Se'ries. Exercise 12. COIJ'RSE IV. Position as in ninth exercise. 1. Stoop down and grasp the ledge of the plat- form with both hands, the fingers and thumbs meeting, the fingers above (Fig. 13); if at the edge of a ditch, the fingers and thumbs to- gether, the palm on its surface. 2. Spring from the feet, shooting them out to the rear, and at the same in- stant press strongly from the hands (Fig. 14); retain them in the front, the palms Fig. 13. open, and descend yielding. Fig. 14.