A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)

SECT. II.] LEAPING. TO LEAP WIDTH AND DEPTH COMBINED, SIDEWAYS. 189 First Series. Exercise 13. CoURsE IV. Position of attention, the ditch or front edge on the right. of plat- form in profile 1. The preliminary movements as in seventh exercise. 2. Spring from the feet, throwing the hands to the left front (Fig. 15), descend yielding. This exercise to be repeated, the right side leading. Fig. 15. ' ' \ TO LEAP HEIGHT, TWO MOVEMENTS. Second Series. Exercise 14. COURSE I. Position of attention, twenty or thirty paces from the barrier. 1. Begin the prelimi- nary run, with short, well-measured steps, quickening the pace on the advance, and when within a few feet of the barrier (according to its height), spring from the foot making the last step, bring both knees close up in front, the hands being elevated at the in ·tant of the spring as in first Fig. 16.