A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)

SECT. II.) LEAPING. 191 last few steps, inclining the left shoulder forward, spring from the left foot, clear the barrier (Fig. 18), the left foot leading to the ground, and descend yielding, the barrier on the right. Fig. 18. This exercise to be repeated with the right side leadino·. TO LEAP WIDTH. Second Series. Position as in fourteenth exercise. 1. The preliminary run as in fourteenth exercise, spring from the foot making the last step, the whole act of propulsion of the spring and the momentum acquired in the run being directed to the front, the lower limb closely bent up, the trunk of the body compact and firm, the hands closed and thrown to the front, as in Fig. 4 ; descend yielding, resting on the entire sole of the foot. Exercise 17. CouR E I.