A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)

194 EXERCISES OF PROGRESSION. [SECT. I I. (Fig. 2) ; clear the barrier, bending the back inwards, and shooting the feet to the front ; the legs straight and together (Fig. 3) ; bring the head and shoulders to the front, quit the ()'rasp of the hands, and descend yielding. Fig. 3. Fig. 2. Fig. 1. J . ~ - --- HAND OVER HAND. Single Series. Position as in first exercise. Exercise 2. CouRSE II. Raise the right hand to the reach, spring from the feet and bring the lower limbs up in front as in first exercise : during their rise, pass the left hand over the right, and again the right over the left, clear the barrier as in first exercise, and descend yielding. This method to be used when the barrier i . too high to be cleared as directed in first exerci e.