A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)
ECT. II.] Single Series. Exercise 3. CouRSE I. THE LEAPING ROPE. 195 TO LEAP WIDTH. Grasp the end of the rope with the left hand and step to the rear until the arm is at the reach, make a half-face to the right , and take a short step to the front with the left foot, the knees slightly bent, the right arm extended by the side, tho palm open, and to the front, the fingers pointed to the ground (Fig. 4). 1. Lift the left foot from the ground, throwing the weight of the body to the rear, press strongly from the ri()'ht foot, spring from the ground backwards, rapidly placing the feet together and swinging them to their farthest rearward point, the legs straight and together, the toes pointed, at the same time turning the body to the front, the arms bent at the half- reach, the head bent back (Fig. 5); begin the forward swing bringing the lower limbs to the front and letting them rise Fig. 4. Fig. 5. 02
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