A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)

- APPENDIX K. (I am indebted to the Rev. T. H. T. Hopkins, M.A., Magdalen College, Oxford, for this Table.) TABLE A. Best performances of Competitors (Winners) at Oxford and Cambridge, and the Inter-University Athletic Games; and at the Champion Meetings of the Amateur Athletic Club, in each year, from March 186~ to March 1868 inclusive. (For Tables B and C see next page.) RUNNI:VG ON THE FLA.T. I RUNNING WITH OBS'.r.A.CLES. 100 440 880 yards. 1 mile. 2 miles. 3 miles. 4 miles. 10 Hurdles, 3ft. 6 in. yards. yards. h igh. 120 yards. --- ---- Sec. Sec. Min. Sec. Min. Sec. ~lin. Sec. Min. Sec. l'tiin. Sec. Sec. A. 1866. lop 53f 2 7 4 39 10 20 1 - 21 41 16 1 " 1867. 10-5- 51f 2 2! 4 36!- 9 59f - 22 14f 14 :B. 1868. 10 50! 2 3! 4 28i2 - 15 21 - 16* 10 3 50! 2 2! 4 28% 2 9 59! 15 21 21 41 16% C. Amateurs. 10 50-;\: 1 59 4 32 10 10 1 - 21 17 16t Professionals. 9f 48f 1 56f 4 17 911 14 56 19 54 - 1 On grass. 2 4 min. 32 sec. was also given as the time of this race. 3 On running-path, with favourable wind.