A System of Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical (extract)

~ I APPENDIX K (contin11erl) . TABLE B. Best performances in any of the above Athletic 1\Ieetings. TABLE C. Best performance~, as given in the Appenrlix: to the 'Athlete' for 1866, being the quickest times, &c. up to that date by Amateurs and Professionals. NoTE.-Tables A. and B. embrace the performances of the best Amateur Athletes of the present day, where the greatest care was exercised to ensure the accuracy of Times and Distances, a condition which in more local, or less public, sports is often neglected, or at best imperfectly secured. JU1\IPI~G. PU,rTI~G. I THROWL~G. WALKI~G.s t~ Long. High. Pole. Weig-ht Hammer Cricket Ball. 1 mile. 4miles. 7 miles. 21 miles. 16lb. lli lb. ~ --- --- --- --- Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Yd. Ft. ::.Uin. Sec. }lin. Sec. :mn. Sec. Hr.111n. Sc. 1 ~ A. 1866. 20 4 5 9f 10 0 34 10 91 21 109 2 - - 59 32 - 2 " 1867. 20 2 5 !) 9 6 36 6 98 10 1132 - - 58 18 - " 1868. ~ 21 4 5 St 9 6 36 6 99 6 119 5 in. - 34 10~ 60 25 - B. 21 4 1 5 9~- 10 0 36 6~ 99 6S 119 5 in. 5 - 34 10l 58 18 - C. Amat. 21 2 5 9i - 41 0 94(22lb./ - 7 29 - 58 12 - Prof. - - - - - - 6 35 28 52 50 54 2 58 26 1 The run and take·off were from a path laid with ashes, with (probably) a drop of about 1i in. The same individual jumped 21ft. 2i in. on level grass . 2 1\Ieasured from a tape, beyond which the thrower must not step. The weight is put with one hand from the shoulder, with 7ft. run. 3 Measured from the foot of the thrower ~ Hammer of lllb. has been thrown 176ft. 5 With favourable wind. 6 100 miles is said to have been walked in America in 22 b. 19m. 10 s., including stoppages. -- ---