An Athletics Compendium

HowToUseThisBook The order in whichbooks have been listed withineach chapter is in most cases immediatelyapparent, and is alwaysthe order consideredmost usefulfor the reader.For example, biographiesare arrangedin alphabeticalorder by the name of the biographee; competitions,such as the Olympics,are arranged chronologicallyE. lsewhere the usual arrangementis bydate of publication.Whenmore than one book hasbeen publishedin the sameyear,theyare further arrangedalphabetically bytitle. Withineachlettered chapter books are numberedsequentially,e.g.Al, A2etc. A newsequenceof numbers startswith eachchapter.In thiswayevery book has a unique referencecomprisingthe chapter letter and the number of the bookwithin the chapter. The bibliographicinformation withineach record and the format in which the information is given is in accordance with current bibliographic standards. Not all recordswillcontainthe samelevelof information.Some books, for example, do not give theirplaceof publication. In such instancesthe entrymaytherefore omit this information. All records, whether derived from the catalogue of the British Library or elsewhere,havebeen arranged in a uniformway.Everyeffort has beenmade to include all the information necessary to uniquely identify the item in order to facilitate its purchase,or enableusers to obtain it on loan from a public or other library. A typical entry is laidout below. ENTRYNUMBER TITLE PLACEOFPUBLICATION AUTHOR/EDITOR 16Greek athletics and the JewsHV./ A. Harris; editedby I. YEAROF Barton and A. ]. Brothers. Cardiff: UniversityWaolfes Press, ^ PUBLICATION^J 976 vi, 124p; illus, mapsi;ndex < SERIES ^('Trivium' special publications; 3) PUBLISHER PAGINATION+ ENHANCEMENTS INFORMATION NOTE Originally published in a Hebrew translation ISBN: 0-7083-0635-7^ TC:RV1/TQQX1 BL: X.620/16262 ISBN/ISSN Covers theimpact oHf ellenic culture, especialltyhe cultof\ COMPILERS ^-"^athletics, on the Jews. A definitive work. BRITISH LIBRARY ANNOTATION LOCATION N.B. The location numbers for books held in the British Libraryrefer to books whichare not available for loan. They are only availablefor consultationin the British Library when it is not possible for a reader to consult them elsewhere. Various restrictionsmayalsoapplyto particularitems.Enquiriesconcerninguseof the Library's ReadingRooms should be made in writingto; The British Library,Reader Admission Office, 96 Euston Road,London NW1 2DB. [ xiii ]