An Athletics Compendium

Title Index Albert Herbert Hawkin(tshe naughtiest boy in the world) andthe Olympic GamesLI39 Albert Hill B89 Aldridge Running ClubA169 Alfred Liversidge (1836-1921)B122 Alive in the 1900sA316 All-Britain athledcs: annual handboofokr 1964 M41 The all England serieAs 72 All in a day's work (series) A49 All in the day's sportL284 All out for themile A387 All round guideto the 1992 OlympicsC231 All sports weeklyMl 90 All-star Olympic tipsE236 All dme list M85 The Allan Wells bookof sprinting F84 Allyn and Bacon sports educatiosenries El 54 Almanack of sport, 196M6 l 07 Alone on the Great WaBll120 The Amalgamated Clubs of St Bartholomew's Hospital A170 The amateur athletic annual for 1M8759 Amateur Athletic Association coming of age dinner 1901 A97 Amateur Athletic Association constitution, objects, and lists of officers and members for 18H8I7 Amateur Athletic Association handboMok29, M37 Amateur Athletic Association instructional booklets (series) H20, H33 See a/so: AAA instructional booklets and Instructional booklets Amateur athletic meetingL275 Amateur sport and athleticsMl 93 American College of Sports Medicine series J23 American Indian sports heritaAge421 Ancient customs, sports and pastimes of the English A146-147 The ancient Greek OlympicAs30 The ancient Olympic Games / Bentley L334 Ancient Olympic Games / Middleton A31 The ancient Olympic Gam/es Schoebel A12 The ancient Olympic Games / Swaddling A19, A32 Ancient OlympicsA27 Annalia Dubrensia L258 The annals of Thames Hare and Hounds 1868 to 1945 A267 Announcing for track and fiaetlhdletics H57 Another hurdleB86 Anthology of sporting verLse265 The Aonac Tailteann and the Tailteann GaAm3e8s0 The application of weight training to athleEtilc8s7 Archaeology, history and classical studies (s ries) A47 Archer L223 Archibald MacLarenB128 Arenas 117 Arete A24 Aristotle and the fatajalvelin L96 The Armoy athletesB127 Arrhythmias and sudden death in athleKte5s6 The art of pace-judgementF5 The art ofrunning with the Alexander techniquFe30 'De Arte GymnasticaA' 34 Aspects of Greek and Romalinfe (series) A14 Aspects of Greek life (series) A15 Aspects of Saxon Irminsul worship and its influence on the ancient Olympic GameAs41 Aspects of the social historoyf sport in France, 1870- 1914 A416 Aspirants to AAA anEdmpire titles B199 Assessment of maximal oxygeunptake in runnersJ64 Assistant club coach awarDd 6 Asterix at the OlympicGames L403 Asterix auxjeux olympiques L403 Astrophel L265 ASVAC centenary news, 1880-198A0168 At night all wolves are greyL71 The ATFS Golden Jubilee boLo3k33 ATFS Olympic handbookCI5 Athens is saved!LI82 The athlete (1936) M194 The athlete / Lefrqy L264 Athlete / Pluckrose L343 Athlete; Ada has asthmaL349 The athlete almanackMl The athlete: an up-to-datpeeriodical of physical culture Ml 87 The athlete, and other poemLs236 The athlete for ..M. l The athlete; official publication thoef Amateur Athletic Association M202 Athlete seriesL353 Athletes and actorsA49 The athletes and athletic sports of Scotland, including bagpipe playing and dancing Athletes' and cyclists' guide and directory for 1889/90 M7 Athletes and oraclesA23 The athletes' directory and handbook foMr 2.7.. The athlete's guideE28 Athletes in action / Hemery El 70 Athletes in acdon / Webster L376, L378 Athletes in action; the official InternationAaml ateur Athletic Federation book otrnack and fieldtechniques El 66 The athletes' record of performances and handbMoo4k7 Athlete's worldM215 Athletic competition in pre-industriWalales, c1. 066-1880 A354 The athletic fieldand swimming world Ml 89 Athletic injuries / Litton <&Peltier K30 Athletic injuries / Page K25 Athletic injuries / Sharp K17 Athletic injuries & their treatmenKt 25 [ 232 ]