An Athletics Compendium
Title Index Athletics: for young beginnerEs233 Athletics fundamentalsEl 60 Athletics: how to becomechaampion El09 Athletics: how to succeedE66, E81, E94 Athletics -how to winEl20 Athletics in action -field G15 Athletics in action, trackF52 Athletics in focusA88 Athletics in LaoisA363 Athletics in post-warBritain A194 Athletics inthe Eastern regionA157 Athletics in theory anpdractice E47 Athletics -indoor 120 Athletics internationalM226 Athletics is myjoy, my one and only loveL257 Athletics is myjoy, my one and only love, and other poems L235 Athletics, jumping anvdaulting G26 Athletics monthlyM216 Athletics of the ancient worlAd9 Athletics of to-dayA76 Athletics of to-day forwomen A128 Athletics of to-day: history, development and trainAin7g8 Athletics officiatingH40 Athletics on the righttrack A105 Athletics —outdoor 121 Athletics, sports and gameAs40 Athletics sportsgraphA86 Athletics teaching and traininDg 23 Athletics: the golden decadAe90 Athletics: the international tracnkd field annual Ml18 Athletics throughthe looking glassL389 Athletics, throwingG72 Athletics today (1985) M220 Athletics today (1987) M223 Athletics, trackC97 Athletics, track events/ Jones F44 Athletics, track events / Le Masurier&Watts F47-48 Athletics -track events / McNab F42 Athletics, track events / Trainingand EducationAssociates Ltd D4 Athletics weeklyM203 Athletics Weekly 1999 annual revieMw93 The Athletics Weekly fiolen Sebastian Coe & Steve Ovett B47 Athletics worldM204 Athletik E78 L'athletisme E232 Atlanta '96 C240 Atletiktraening E89 Author catalogue of thNeational Centre for Athletics Literature M141, M144, M145, M149 An autobiography of an ancient athlete and antiquBar1y59 The autobiography of an athleBte110 B B Georges' running in DevoAn156 The Badminton Library of sports pansdtimes (series) MO, A73, A75, All BAF handbook M44 BAI A179 Bailiwick of Guernsey sporting recorMds89 Balefire LI8 Ballet exercises for athletesEl10, E161 The Ballincurry HareB13 Barnsley's sporting heroeBs 251 The BBC guide to the Olympi2c0s00 C246 Be fit! or be damned!J21 Beaton runs themile LI08 Before I forgetL287 Before the raceL264 Behind the scenes (series) H52 Behind the scenes atthe athletics meetingH46 Bell's life in London & sporting neMwsl 57 The Belton scholarshipLI 59 Ben goes for goldLI10 The Ben Nevisrace F190, F191 Ben Nevis races, 1951-60 F192 The Ben RaceF207 The bench in anuproar!! B185, L244 The best bookfor boys L212 The best of BritishF200 The best of WooldridgeB218 Best runs El 75 Best sports storiesL94 Better athletics El34 Better athletics -field (with cross country and race walking) G8, G12 Better athletics -track (with jumping) F43 Better athletics (with illustrationbsased on filmsof Olympic athletics)El 29 Better training for distance runneFrs135 BFI film classics (series) L362 Bibliography of British athletic clhuibstories Ml 51 Bicycling news M179 The big raceLI25 The big runL213 Big shot B33 The Big WalkB180 Bingley Harriers andAthletic ClubA172 A biomechanical and physiological evaluation of combined uphill-downhill sprirnutnning trainingJ59 A biomechanical evaluationof the effect of the stretch shortening cycle in unconstraineadnd experimentally constrained verticajlumps J60 A biomechanical evaluation tohfe hurdle clearance techniques of four decathleteJs50 A biomechanical evaluation tohfe javelin throws of eight heptathletes J51 A biomechanical evaluation tohfe javelin throws of four decathletes J52 [234]
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