An Athletics Compendium
Title Index The Cambridge University Athletic ClAub185 The Cambridge University Athledc Club record book A187 Canmlwyddiant cymdeithas trawsgwClaydmru 1896- 1996 A350 Carbo-loading L97 Carruthers of ColnhursLt I95 The Cartoon Aid Olympbicook L409 Cassell discovery books (series) L339 Cassell graded readers: level 4 (series) L342 Catalogue lists (series) C83 A catalogue of sports filmsMl 43, Ml47 Catalogue of the Carnegie historical collecotifonbooks on physical education, sport and recreation haenadlth education publishedbefore 1946Ml 39 CCPR instructional booklets (series) F98, G35 CCPR instructional pamphlets ( eries) F68-69 Celebrities I have known, weitphisodes, political, social, sporting and theatricaLl 301 The centenary history of the Blackheath HarrieAr1s81-182 The centennial Olympic GamCe2s38 The CenturionsA188 Challenge of themarathon F158 Chambers sporting quotationLs398 Champion in revolBt 158 The champion library (series) Bll Champions alCl 219 Champions in the makinEgl36 Champions library (series) F104 Champions of the athletic areAn3a61 Championship technique in trancdk field E85, E93 Channel runnerLI 88 Character and sportsmanshipA98 Charioteer L223 Chariots of fireL84 Charlie Hart's hintfsor all athletes and sportsmenE70 Chasing goldB244 Chavasse -double VCB36 The Chavasse twinsB37 Checkers (series) L335 Child's library (series) E6 Chop-fallen magistrateB185, L244 Christina RosenthalL98 Chronicle of BritainL220 Chronicle of the OlympicCs 86 Chronicle of the Olympics, 1896-19C968 Chums of Long DormitorLyI97 Cinder-path talesA409 Cinder running track1s5 Circuit training K21-22 City and country (series) A81 City of Hull Athletic Club 1889-198A9192 City of London Police Athletic ClAub193 Classic moments of athleticBs222 A clean pair ofheels B82 The Clonliffe HarriersA373 Clonliffe Harriers diamondjubilee souvenir 1886-1946 A372 Closing the distanceB20 Club coach awardD9, D12 Clydesdale HarriersA318 Coaching and care of athleteDs1 Coaching cross country successfulFly182 Coaching for track-and-field athletiPcs32 Coaching high schoolD30 Coaching successfully (series) F182 Coaching the young athletDe51 Coaching track and fieldD5 Coaching young athleteDs 52 The Cock of the NorthL203 The code of health and longeviEty2,J2-5 Codebook of gymnastic exercisEes42 Colin Jackson B99 Collected poems/ Webb L254 Collected poems, 1930-1976 / Eberhart L228 Collected poems of WH AudeLn221 A collection ofpapers on the subject of ath|etic exercises El Combined eventsG110-111 Come back, GeordieL80 Coming alive (series) LI82 The commemorative coinage of modern sports L415 Commonsense athleticEs 87 Commonwealth and international library (series) K34 Commonwealth athletics statistiCcs278 Commonwealth Games C283 The Commonwealth Games boCo2k72 Commonwealth Games, Kuala Lumpur 1C92985 The Commonwealth Games: the first 60 years 1930-1990 C284 Commonwealth statisticMs l09 The competitive edgFe120 The competitive runner's handbook / Glover& Glover F139 The competitive runner's handbook / Glover<& Schuder F117 Competitive sports serieEs233, F50, G14 The complete athletic trainEer48 The complete book of athletiEcsl58 Complete book ojfumps G31 The complete book of runniFn1g2 The complete book of running for women F35 The complete book of the OlympCic4s1, C47, C57, C69, C98 The complete distance runnFe1r 18 The complete guide to endurance training F28 Complete guide to runninFg121 A complete list otfhe Dave Robertspapers in the National Centre for Athletics Literatutrhee, Library, the University of BirminghamMl 42 The complete middle distanrcuenner F112-113, F116 Complete poems / Bacchylides L222 The complete poems / Whitman L255 [ 236 ]
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