An Athletics Compendium
Title Index A handbook on athletics for the beginEnelr95 Handbooks of archaeology and antiquities (s ries) A5 Handybook (series) E117, K25 The happier lifeL227 Happy hoursB78 The Harley firstXI LI 29 The Harley firstXV LI 31 Harry Holland L371 Havant Athletic Club members guide, 199S52/067 Havelok the DaneL219 The head ofKay's L201 Head to headB257 Health Research Institute reports (series) C61 Healthy runner's handbookK51 Heart and athleticsJ11 The heart of a championB155 Heigh for Cotswold: barief account of the Cotswold games A295 Heigh for Cotswold!: a history Roofbert Dover's Olimpick GamesA297 Heinemann guided readerus,pper level (series) L337 Helsinki CI 56 Her marathon L275 Herne Hill HarriersA209 Herz und SportJ11 The high jump / Anon L271 High jump / Dick G40-42 High jump / Watts G39 High jump: a statistical survey oBfritish jumping M96 High jump poem / Morris L271 High jumping / Chapman G35 High jumping / Dyson G33-34, G36-37 High jumping / Watts G38 High-performance training for track and fDie1ld0 Highland GamesL271 Highland Games: the making of the mAyt3h43 A Highland gatheringA328 Highland gatheringsA335 Highlights of the Olympics from ancient times to the present CI3 Himalayan shuffle F204 Hints on athletic injuries (wipthysiotherapy treatments) K27 Hints on how to organise and manange'open' road running raceF153 Hints on running and race-planninFg2 Hints on trainingEl82 Hints upon trainingEl2 Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies and movements (series) C63 Historical dictionary of thmeodern Olympic movement C74 Historical dictionary of the Olympmicovement C63 A historical view of ScottishHighland Games unt1il900 A347 The history and developmenotf the National Olympian Association (1865-1886)A108 History of ancient Olympic GamAes11 A history of athletics iWn olverton and MiltoKn eynes 1885-1985 A228 The history of Birchfield Harriers 1877-19A81876 History of British athleticsA85 History of Bury Athletic ClubA184 A history of Chipping Camden and CapRtaoinbert Dover's Olympick GameAs294 History of HorwichRMI Harriers A212 A history of Irish athleticAs 358 History of Olympic track and fiaetlhdletics CI00 A history of RotherhamHarriers & Athletics Club 1887- 1987 A253 The history of Sparkhill Harriers, 1902-19A5262 A history of sports in DorkinAg154 History of Swindon Athletic Club, 1921-19A32966 History of the ArgyllshireGathering, 1871-1971A340 History of theBirmingham Athletic Club, 1866-9A8177 History of the Cheshire Tally-Ho Hare and Hounds Club A189 History of the Cheshire Tally-Ho Hare & Hounds Club: 80 years of cross-country runninAg191 A history of theCowal Highland GatheringA339 The history of the Cumberland & Westmoreland Wrestling Society in London since the year 1G86264 The history of the English SchoAoltshletic Association, 1925-1980 A289 The history of the English SchoAoltshletic Association 1925-1995 A283 The history of the Gaelic gamAes381 The history of the International Cross-Country Union, 1903 to 1953A386 History of the Limerick GAfArom earliest timesto the present dayA376 The history otfhe Olympics/ hlundell <&Mackay C90 The history of the Olympic/s Tyler C25 History of the Olympics in picturCes20-21 A history of the pole vault in tBhreitish Isles G63-G65 History of the Tally-Ho Hare & Hounds CAl1u9b0 The history of tracaknd field A383 Hitler's GamesCI39 Hobbinol L251 Homeric Games at an ancient St AndreLw25s0 Honour of empire, glory of spCo2rt86 The house A171 The 'House' on spoLrt313 The house prefectL206 The housewife and the assassLin76 How I teachbetter athletics D28 How long's the courseB?16-17 How to become a marathowninner F148 How to become a weigthhtrower G67 How to become anthlete El 98 How to draw athletes in actioLn364 How to excel at games and athletiEcs75 How to excel on threunning pathF1 How to judge field events / Parmiter H56 [ 2 4 1 ]
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