An Athletics Compendium
Title Index The official history of thVelth British Empireand Commonwealth Games, 19C58268 Official list of world, Europeaannd Olympic Games records compiled to 9 December 19M5l801 Official report of Ireland's participatiionnthe XXIst Olympiad, Montreal, 197C6198 Official report of Ireland's participation in the XXII Olympic Games, Moscow, 198C0204 Official report of participation in the XXV Olympiad Barcelona, Spain 1992C232 The official report of the VHIth OlympPiadri,s, 1924 C134 The official report of the IXth Olympiad, Amsterdam, 1928 C135 The official report of the Xth Olympiad, Los Angeles, 1932 CI 36 The official report of the XIth OlympBiaedrlin, 1936 CI37 Official report of the XXth Olympiad and the Olympic Games at Munich and KiCelI91 Official report otfhe Olympic Games 196C8I 83 Official report otfhe Olympic Games 197C2190 Official report otfhe Olympic Games, XVIth Olympiad, Melbourne, November 22-December 8, 1956 CI64 Official report of the Olympic Games of 1912 in Stockholm CI33 The official report of the Organising Committee for the XIV Olympiad CI53 Official report on Ireland's participatiXonV, th Olympiad, HelsinkiJ,uly-August, 1952C157 Official report on Ireland's participationnthe XVIth Olympic Games, 195C6161 Official rules of sports and gameHs60 Official Sydney Olympic guidebooCk247 Official year book / London Railways Athletic Association M26 OldEbbie L93 Old English sportsA302 Old Gaytonians Athletic Club diamond jubilee booAk238 Olympia / Downing L362 Olympia / Riefenstahl B156-157 Olympia; gods, artists and athleteAs13 Olympia: its history & remainAs7 Olympia und seine SpielAe 12 Olympiad / Barakat L223 Olympiad / Frith LI 5 Olympiad / Mayer L53 Olympiad 1948CI48 Olympiad: an historical noveLl30 The Olympian LI 7 The Olympian and Pythian Odes N(tehme ean and Isthmian Odes)L243 Olympian fieldevents G1 The Olympians: a century of goBld247 The Olympians: a quest for goBld226, B232 The Olympic approach to athletiEc2s07 Olympic architecture114 The Olympic bidC44 Olympic cavalcadeC8 The Olympic century (series) CI 92 Olympic champions in ManchestBer243 Olympic diary: Rome 196C0 I68 Olympic diary: Tokyo 196C4I77 The Olympic discuLs 63 Olympic facts and figuresC262 An Olympic feasibility studyC29 The Olympic fun bookC49 The Olympic Games / Baguley C38 The Olympic Games / Eaton C58 The Olympic Games / Flinders L348 Olympic Game/s Girardi C22 The Olympic Games / Grant A20 The Olympic Games / Guiney C79 The Olympic Games / Jarrett C52 The Olympic Games / KillaninR<o&dda C34 The Olympic Games / Lucas C50 Olympic Games / Oxla&de Ballheimer C94 The Olympic Games / Tulloh C30 The Olympic Game/s Walsh CI8 Olympic Games, 196C0I69 Olympic Games, 1964, InnsbruTcko,kyo CI 78 Olympic Games, 197C6I93 The Olympic Games 1984 / Killanin& Rodda C208 Olympic Games 1984 / McNab C210 The Olympic Games: 80 years of people, events and records C31 The Olympic Games: a social science perspecCtivIe19 The Olympic Games ancient and modCer3n9 The Olympic Games and the Duke of Westminster's appeal for ^100,000C6 The Olympic Games: Athens 1896 to Los Angeles 1984 C40 Olympic Games athletic pictorial souveCniIr49 Olympic Games: Barcelona C92 33 The Olympic Games, BC 776-A1D896 CI The Olympic Games: being a short history of the Olympic movement from 1896 up to the present day C4 The Olympic Games booCk250 The Olympic Games: complete guCidI5e0 The Olympic Games: complete track and field results 1896-1988 C259 The Olympic Games dossiCer55 Olympic Games guide, 1948 & programCm1e41 The Olympic Games in 189C6I Olympic Games in ancient GreecAe17 The Olympic Games in ancient timCeIs Olympic Games, London 19C083 Olympic Games, London 19C48I 51 Olympic Games, Mexico City, 19C68I 80 Olympic Games, Munich, 19C72I84 The Olympic Games of 1908 in LondCoIn31 The Olympic Games of London, 1C9I0287 The Olympic Games: the fitrhsot usand yearsA18 Olympic Games: the recordCs258 [ 247 ]
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