An Athletics Compendium

I 1 ^ : ! An \thldics Contpendium is the definitiveguideto bookson trackand field published in the UnitedKingdom and the Republicof Ireland. As one of the worlds leaders in sport, lom McNab has coached internationalathletes, the British Olympicbobsleigh teamand England's silver medal-winningsquad in rugby's 1992 World Cup. He was British Coach of the Year1990, andScottish Novelistof the Year1982 for his novel Y'lanagan'sKiin. Peter 1.ovesey's earlyinterest inVictorian sport ledin1968to his firstbook Vl.n Kings oj Distance. 1le is also the author of the centenary historyof the Amateur AthleticAssociationand is morewidelyknown as the creator of Sergeant Cribb' and 'Peter Diamond' in his award-winning crime and mysterynovels. Andrew Huxtable is a leading member of the National Union of Track Statisticians. 1lis interest in athletics is of long standing, and he is the author of a number of definitivebooks on the subject. I SBN 0 - 7 1 2 3 - 1 1 0 4 - 1 9 7 8 0 7 1 2 3 1 1 0 4 5 > . ^1, mm rwiiTiresi 'W E..«at 33 6 v•VT > "•t?' m' C r . J r ' j i hv ihr