An Athletics Compendium
.4 75 - 83 British Isles ~ General 75 Athletics / Montague Shearman; with chapters on athletics at school by W. BeacThhomas; athletic sports in America by C. H. Sherrill; a contribution on paper-chasing by W. Rye; anadn introduction bSyir Richard Webster; with numerouilslustrations by Stanley Berkeley and from photographs. New ed. 1898. xxvi, 356p; illus; index (The Badminton Library of sports and pastimes) BL; 7913 .pp .l/6.b Despite theedition statement, thisisthe athletics section ofShearman's Athletics FaonodtbaW, revised and expanded. Theidsition is particularly valuable inits section on athleticsin the USA, thoughno mention is made ofthe AAU's early twentietchentury attempts to establishformal links with the AAA, as ajunior partner. ^ Subsequent ed. A77 76 Athletics of to-day / Harold Graham. London: Ward Lock, 1901. 158p BL:Mic.A.7509(13)(microfilm copy) Contributors are: Alan Hunter, W. H. Workman, R. R. Conway, Q. C. Vassall, W. (3. Paget-Tomlinson, J. Edwards-Moss, L. EG. ay-Roberts anAd. R. Welsh. Chapters are included on epahchase of athletics, and on: athletics in London; international athletics; starting, judging acnldocking races: and, athletics in the public schools. 77 Athletics / Montague Shearman; with chapters on athletics at school by W. Beach Thomas; athletic sports in America by C. H. Sherrill; a contributionon paper-chasing by W. Rye; and iantroduction by Sir Richard Webster; witnhumerous illustrations by Stanley Berkeley and fromphotographs. New eLd.ondon: Longman, Green, 1904. xxvi, 360p; illus; index (The Badminton Library of sports paansdtimes) BL: ^ Previous ed. A75 78 Athletics of to-day: history, development and training / F. A. M. Webster; forewordby Lord Burghley. London: Warne, 1929. xvi, 368p; illus BL: 07911 .gg.42 This is probably the moamstbitious of Webster's many works onathletics. He set hoeuret to cover the field that Shearmahnad pioneered in ISS?, withchapters on the history angdrowth of the sport, socnience in athletics anodn the history and technique of each event. The events are described in detail and illustrated with photographs of contemporary and earlier athletes. Thaerree firsthandaccounts tohf e early daysby such old-timers as MarshJa.ll Brooks, Walter Rye, C.L. Lockton, J. H. AR. eay and W.Sapte. 79 Fifty years ofprogress, 1880-1930: thjeubilee souvenir of the AmateurAthletic Association/ H. F.Pash, hon. editor. London: The Association, 1930. 173p; illus Foreword by herd Desborough BL; X.629/4828 The jubilee souvenir of the AAA, whihchas chapters on the formation anedarly days of the Association, and reviews of important events adnedcisions. There are separate accounts of athletics in the north, midlands, south, counties, schools and universities. Contributors include Sir Montague Shearman, H. B. Stallard, EH.. Pelling, D. G. A, Lowe, M. C. Nokes, J. W. Turner, A. E. Machin, A. S. Turk, T. W. Higgs, W. M.Barnard, W.W.Alexander andW.W. Webb. 80 British sports and sportsmen: athletic sports, tennis, rackets and other bagllames / editedin conjunction with The Sporting Life. London: British Sports & Sportsmen Ltd, 1931? xiii, 421p; illus BL: L .R.255 .b .l A large and elegant publicatiownith over ninety pages on athletics, includincghapters on 'Tfhoeundation of British athletic sports', 'A review of athletics', 'The Olympic Games past andpresent' and 'Somneotable personalities'. The outstandinigllustrations include a print of the Cotswold Games (1636) and photographs of Lord Burghley, S. J. M. Atkinson, D. G. A. Lowe, Sam Ferris, T.C. Livingstone Learmonth, andvarious shots of the 1912 Olympic Games. 81 The story of athletics / MarKiain g; with pictures by Bernard Westmacott. London: Harper, 1931. 156p; illus; index (City and country) BL: 012208.b.2/15 In his foreword, Grantland Rice asserts that the author 'has covered the ground thoroughly with a variety of types thatare certain to prove of great interest to allyoung readers'. Threechapters, 'How athletics came usto', 'Track'and 'The Olympic Games', cover track and field athletics from an American perspective. 82 The National Cross-Country Unijounbilee souvenir 1883-1933 / foreword Eby.J. Holt; contributions by J. E. Fowler-Dixon, A. E. Machin, J. H. Hardwick, S. Lambert, Charles Otway and W. T. Rainbow. The Union, 1933. 28p; illus; pbk ^ Also listed at A149 83 Great moments in athletic/s F. A. M. Webster. London: Country Life, 1947. xii, 234p; illus Foreword by Sir WilliamBeach Thomas BL; Taking an event-based approach, Webster recalls outstanding amateur performers, and evokes their triumphant moments with his characteristic enthusiasm. The most memorable character sketch is possibly that Poaft O'Callaghan. [ 8 ]
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