An Athletics Compendium

v4 910-0 British Isles ~ General 91 92 93 94 Great moments in British sp/orteditorJ, ohn Lovesey; designer, Neil Randon. London: Witherby, 1993. 192p; illus ISBN: 0-85493-229-1 BL:YK.1994.b.558 Most of the accounts included are contemporary. Athletes include: Albert Hill, Eric Liddell, Sydney Wooderson, Roger Bannister, ChristopheCr hataway, Ann Packer, David Hemery, Mary Peters, Sebastian Coe, Daley Thompson, Liz McColgan, Linford Christie, and Sally Gunnell. Sport andthe making of Britain/ Derek Birley. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993. x, 358p; illus; index (International studies in the history of sport) ISBN: 0-7190-3758-1 (cased)• 0-7190-3759-X (pbk) BL:YK.1993.b. 14080 This is the firsvtolume of a trilogy, in which the last four chapters take the narrative up to ISSS. The origins of track and field athletics are traced, and their gradual incorporation into the mainstream of organised sport is outlined. The formation of the AAC (16>66) and of the AAA(18>8>0) and the riseof Irish field events specialists is noted. The parallel development opfrofessional athletics at a number of centres in England, and especially Scotland, is described. See also: A93; A94 Land of sport and glory: sport and British society, 1887-1910 / DereBkirley. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995. x, 287p; illus; index (International studies tihne history of sport) ISBN: 0-7190-4494-4 (cased) • 0-7190-4495-2(pbk) BL: YC.l 995.b.3402 Inthis second volumeof a trilogy, the author continues his account of the formative years of the AAA and of the Scottish AAA. Early international contests, such as that between LonAdConand NewYork AC (18>95), the Olympic Games (1(596), and even the nascent British Empire Games(which did not see thelight of day until 1930), are mentioned. The resistance to the inclusion of women's athleticsin the OlympicGames and the award by the IOC of the 1906Games to London are welclovered. <ir See also: A92; A94 Playing the game: sport and British society, 1914-1945 / Derek Birley. Manchester: Manchester UniverPsrietyss, 1995. x, 342p; index (International studies in the history of sport) ISBN: 0-7190-4496-0 (cased)• 0-7190-4497-9 (pbk) BL:YC.1996.b.2112 In this final volume of the trilogy, Birley takes his account oUf K athletics througthe mostturbulent period of twentieth century European history, including the pioneeringrole of the WRAPin women's athletics, and its further diffusion in the 1920s through clubs and universities. The impact of the Achilles Club in the 19205 and 193i0s shighlighted. The introduction by the AAA of Junior Championships in 1931 and the formation of the British Amateur Athletic Board in193a2re notedT. he attempts by the British Workers' Sports Pederation to organise alternative competitions are referred to, and the Poreign Office role in the appeasement policy towards Nazi Germany, as displayeind its attitudetowards British participation in the 1936 OlympGicames, is made clear. ^ See also: A92; A93 95 Running scared: how athletics lost its innocence / Steven Downes and Duncan Mackay. Edinburgh: Mainstream, 1996. 224p; illus ISBN: 1-85158-855-8 BL: YK.1997.b.3326 The authors seotut to showhow athletics became corrupted in the precedingdecade. Aperceptive work of great quality, coveritnegrritory rarely dealt with in the literature. 'I? Additional References 96 The relation of athletic sportos public health/ Henry Hoole. London: H. Renshaw, 1891. 40p BL: 07305.e.23(ll) Includes abrief historical survey omfodern athletics. 97 Amateur Athletic Association coming of age dinner 1901. London: The Association, 1902. 32p;pbk A privately circulated publication of the speeches made byShearman andothers on this occasioNno.w very rare. 98 Character and sportsmanship/ Theodore Andrea Cook. London: Williams & Norgate, 1927. xxvii, 349p; illus BL: 010856.d.46 A wide-ranging survey of sport andits influence on national character. Many of the ideas have dated, but there are manryeferences to athletiocfs the period 1&94-1926. 99 Eyes towards Helsink/i Stan Tomlin. London: A. Wander, 1949. 48p; pbk Includes UnitedKingdom 'top ten' lisfotsr bothsenior and junior athletes in1949. 100 Independent Television's World of Sport 1965 / Eamonn Andrews. London: TV World, 1965. 148p; illus A well-illustrated volume with a section on athletics largely contributed by Adrian Metcalfe. There are articles on AlaSnimpson andAnne Smith. [ 1 0 ]