An Athletics Compendium

Numerous individuals contributedto thiswork and its predecessor, The Guide to British Track and FieldUterature 1275-1968, but there are some whose encouragement, enthusiasm and practical assistance were indispensable. Outstanding among them is Richard Bond,whose suggestions first started arrivingover thirtyyears ago, and who generouslyput hispersonalhand-writtencatalogueat our disposal,and steadilysupplied additions.RichardintroducedHamish Thomson to the project, and throughhimanother remarkablecataloguewasmade availableby e-mail.Two collectorsnearer home, David Terry andKevinKelly,not onlyopened their homes and awe-inspiringpersonal libraries to one of the compilers,but fed himlunch aswell as information and advice. Dr Greg Moon, the biographer of Albert Hill, was frequendy on the phone to suggest new avenuesof research.We thankeach of these friends and enthusiasts. We would also like to express our gratitude to the many others who made substantial contributions,among them Bob Adey, Neil Allen, Don Anthony,Melvyn Barnes,Mike Bateman,Geoff Bradley,Joe Brett, John Bromhead,Ian Buchanan,Eric Cowe,John Goulstone, StanGreenberg, the lateDavidGuiney,Dr Trevor James, John Keddie,MarvinLachman,Douglas Mack,PeterMatthews,AndyMilroy,KeithMorbey, WilfMorgan,ColmMurphy, Tony O'Donoghue, BobPhillips,RoyProfitt, Warren Roe, Jonathan Rosenthall,Ian R. Smith, David Thurlow,Mel Watman,Richard O. Watson and CliveWilliams. Particularthanks are also due to SirEddie Kulukundis,Conicalof St Albans,and UK Athleticsfor their kindfinancial assistance. Bibliographicfacilities become accessible and user-friendly through the work of dedicatedindividuals.We wishto thankDr RichardW. Cox (UMIST)and the staff of the BritishLibraryat St Pancras and the Sport EnglandInformationUnitat Euston for their invaluableassistance over the past few years.Our own local librariesalso contributed substantiallyto the project,and we are gratefulto their staff. The staff of the British Library Bibliographic Service ensured that our quite disparateskills and enthusiasms were co-ordinated to the best possibleeffect.The tact, expertise and sheer hard work of Arthur Cunningham, Karen Liddle and Cynthia McKinley made this book into a reality. John M. Jenkins, the author of A Rugby Compendium, gavepracticalhelp at variousstages. In a work of this kind representing many yearsof research there are inevitably some omissions and errors, tryas one might to strivefor accuracy. The most unforgivable omissionsare the namesof individuals who helped.We apologiseto everyonewho is not mentionedby name. Tom McNab Peter Lovesey AndrewHuxtable [ v ]