An Athletics Compendium

A 376 - 381 Ireland ~ Gaelic Games Umerick GaelicAthletic Association 376 History of the Limerick GAfArom earliest times to the present day: Part 1: 1884-1908Jam/ es P. Kelly; foreword by Archbishop Harty. Tralee: The Kerryman, 1937. 224p; illus Numerous results oLf imerick sports meetings, with photographs ofnaumber ofwell-known athletes. 377 One hundred years of gloryh: isatory of LimerickGAA 1884-1984 / Seamus O Ceallaigh and Sean Murphy. Limerick: limerick GAA Publicadons Committee, 1987. 928p; illus A more substantial work than the 1937 listing, mainly about older sports, but with thirty-four pages on athletics, including some rpahroetographs. Lough ReeAthletic Club 378 Lough Ree AC silverjubilee 1998 / researched and compiled by LoughRee AC Jubilee Committee;dited by Sean Cahill and Jim Finn. Lanesboro, Co. Longford: Lough Ree AC Jubilee Committee, 1998. vi, 84p; illus; pbk Moyne Athletic Club 379 Moyne Athledc Club (Co. Tipperary): 50 years of athledcs (1948-1998)/ Paddy Doyle. Moyne, Co. Tipperary: The Clu1b9, 98. 176p; illus Ireland ~ Gaelic Games 380 The Aonac Tailteann atnhde Tailteann Games: their origin, history and ancient associatio/ns T. H. Nally. Dublin: Talbot1,922. 75p; pbk BL: 07707.eee.28 The author refers to the earliest authentic records of the Gamesas beingassociated with the deathand burial of Queen Tailte, wifeof King Eochaidh Mac Ere, who was killed in the battle ofMoytura foughtin Co. Mayo in 1396 6>C. The functions associatewdith the Aonach, a public national assembly, are described clearly and concisely. The Cuifeach Fuait (Funeral Games) consisted of athletic, gymnastic and equestrian contests of vari us kinds and the author notes that bye-laws almost identical to those operating atht e Aonach were subsequentilnystituted and enforced later at Olympia, with the essential difference that women were encouraged to attend (unlike the Olympic Games). The Tailteann Games continued tobe celebrated as an annual event on the first of August (Lammastide) for many centuries, the last contests occurring in 1169 AD, presided over by the lasKt ingof Ireland, Roderick O'Connor. Nalipyoints to the frequent historical references to Greek traders visiting Irelandand suggests tthaet Hellenic Games probably tracetheir origin and developmetnot Ireland. 381 The history ofthe Gaelic games / IaPnrior; illustrated by Helen Averley.Belfast: Appletree, 1997. 76p; illus ISBN: 0-86281-663-7 [ 3 4 ]