An Athletics Compendium

B 8 - 1 6 Biographies & Autobiographies Astley, John 8 Fifty years of my life inthe world of sport at home and abroad / John D. Asdey. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1894. 2 vols.; illus BL: Astley givesan absorbing account hoisf career as a professional athletine Britain and inthe Crimea and of nis ventures as apromoter oflong distance running events, culminating hins six day races. Buckley, Steve 9 The winning mind: a guide to achieving success and overcoming failure / Steve Backley with Ian Stafford. London: Aurum, 1996. 168p; illus; index ISBN: 1-85410-404-7 BL:YK.1997.b.3180 A uniojue view of athletics psychology fromBritain's most successful male javelin thrower. Essential reading. Bannister, Roger 10 First four minutes / RogBearnnister. London: Putnam, 1955. 224p; illus BL:7921.f.5 A great book by a great athlete. Bannister describes his development from a gawky junior struggltiong get inside fiveminutes forthe mile to thegreatness of Iffley Road on 6 May 1954. We shared a place whereno man had yet ventured - secure foarll time, however fasmt en might runmiles in the future. Whead done it where we wanted, howwe wanted, in our first attempt of the year. In the wonderful joymy pain was forgotten a Indwanted to prolong these precioumsoments orfealisation.' 11 Four minute mile/r Robert J. Hoare. London: Macmillan, 1962. 80p; illus (The champion library; I) An account of Roger Bannister's achievement for young readers. 12 The four-minute mile / WyndhCahmarles; illustrated by Hookway Cowles. Exeter: Haldon, 1967. 37p; illus (They reached the top) BL: X.0449/47 For children. Barclay-Allardice, Robert Bridges See Aliardice, Robert Bridges Barclay (Captain Barclay) Barry, John Joe 13 The Ballincurry Hare/ JohnJoe Barry. Dublin: Athletic Publications, 1986. 114p; illus; pbk The Irish middle-distance star of the post-war era writes afrank andcolourful accountof his career on and offthe track. Bedford, Dave 14 The Dave Bedford stor/y as told to James Coote. Frimley: Penta in association wiAthvon Tyres, 1971. 66p; illus; pbk ISBN: 0-903215-00-4 BL: X.611/2958 Published athe end of the1971 season,this biography of the precocious David Bedford looks back at his career -three UKr. ecords a1t0,000m anodne each for the 5,OOOm and 3000m steeple-chase, sixth place in the highly competitive 1971 European Championships10000m a-nd expectantly forward to the 1972 Olympic Games.His relationship witchoach Bob Parker of Shaftesbury Harriers is described and a substantial section on his beer drinkingis included! Bell, Kipperr 15 Kipperr Bell: anAmerican first:1984 Skol New Year sprint, Edinburgh, Scotland / Rob Hunter. Aberdeen: The author, 1984. llOp; illus; spiral bound BL: X.629/27590 The author, coach Staon Diego AA, describes how the 22 year old Bebllecame arare Americanwinner of the 114th Powderhall professional sprint. Sections dealing with coaching for the sprints, handicap races, the professional track circuits, a brief history of professional foot racing or pedestrianism, and professional (SGA) running records are also included. Black, Roger 16 How long's the course?: my autobiography / Roger Black with MikeRowbottom. London: Deutsch, 1998. v, 250p; illus; index ISBN: 0-233-99207-3 BL:YK.1999.b.2506 Britain's most consistently successful 400m performer opens the accountof his athletic career with a vividdescription of his last major race, the1996 Olympic final. His early career is coveredin admirable detail, including his 196>5 European Junior Championships win, with Black emphasising the difficult transition for many juniors to the senior ranks. He discourses on drug use and training regimes in athletics: the major events from to 1997, including physical setbacks, are described. Finally, [ 42 ]