An Athletics Compendium

B 26 - 37 Biographies<&Autobiographies Buckner, jack Butcher,G. P. 26 Running the distance: an athlete's year / Jack Buckner. London: Heinemann Kingswood, 1989. x, 219p; illus ISBN: 0-434-98135-4 BL:YK.1990.b.8641 Presented in the form of a diary and written with considerable humour anindsight, the boopkresents a rounded picture of life as a full-time athlete. Budd, Zola 27 Zola: the official biography / Brian Vine with Zola Budd. London: Stanley Paul, 1984. 96p; illus; pbk ISBN: 0-09-159271-2 BL:X.950/38230 This 'official biography' wasrushed throughthe press almost as fast as Budd's application for UK citizenship received the approvalof Home Secretary Leon Brittan, and was publisheevden before the 196>4 Olympic Games had taken place. Theauthor watshe Daily Mail correspondent deputed to liaise with the Budd family when theseventeen yeaorld 5000m world record holder was flown to the UK in March 1934. 28 Zola: the autobiography of Zola Budd / Zola Budd with Hugh Eley. London: Partridge, 1989. 176p; illus ISBN: 1-85225-089-5 BL:YC.1990.b.4777 Budd is here presented as naaive victim, her running ability being exploited at every turnby those around her. Burghley, Lord, David George BrownlowCecil 29 Burghley: the life of a greahtouse / Victoria Leatham. London: Herbert Press, 1992. 240p; illus ISBN: 1-871569-47-8 The writer includes abiographical section about her father, the '1923 Olympic 400m hurdles champion. President otfhe AAA andIAAF, and Chairman ofthe British Olympic Association and the Organising Committee for th19e48> Olympic Games. Bum, Kob 30 In the long run: the humorous story of a marathon runner / Rob Burn. LondoPne:lham, 1983. 143p; illus, 1map ISBN: 0-7207-1446-X BL:X.809/55475 The author, having completed the first London Marathon in 198>1, decided to attempt Nthewe York Marathon in the same year. Thougn the pain, and occasional pleasure, of training is captured, the humour is somewhat heavy-handed. The author, a graphic artist, includes three engaging sketches. 31 A sporting century 1863-1963: athletics, rugby, cricket / Anne Pallant. Kingsbridge: The aut1h9o9r,7. 192p; illus; pbk ISBN: 0-9530189-0-3 The granddaughter of the Victorian athlete, G. P. Butcher, put together this biography of several generations of her family. It is noteworthy for the many reproductions aotfhletics programmes. Campbell, Eddie 32 Eddie Campbell: an appreciation / edited by Lee Volwerk. Fort William: The author, 1994. Biography of a fell-runner. Capes,Geoff 33 Big shot: an autobiography / Geoff Capes with Neil Wilson. London: Stanley Paul, 1981. 142p; illus ISBN: 0-09-144970-7 This appeared athte close of thecareer of th6eft 6in, 3021b Geoffrey Lewis Capes, who took the UK. shot record from 19.56m to 21.63m. Cerutty, Percy 34 Mr Controversial: the story of Percy Wells Cerutty / Graeme Kelly. London: Stanley Paul, 1964. 168p; illus BL: 010609.a.27 Cerutty, coach to the great Herb Elliott, was a coaching maverick, a disciple of'stotan' philosophies based onthe flimsiest pohfysiological foundations. In Elliott, he foundthe perfect vehifcoler his theoriesand Cerutty fashioned him into an almost unbeatable running machine. 35 Sport is my life/ Percy W. Cerutty. LondoSnta:nley Paul, 1966. 180p; illus BL: X.449/1678 Chavasse, Noel Godfrey 36 Chavasse —doubleVC / Ann Clayton; with a foreword by the Bishop of Liverpool. London: Leo Cooper, 1992. 261p; illus, maps; index Bibliography:p234-237 ISBN: 0-85052-296-X Devoted mainly to theexceptional war record of the Oxford Blue and Olympian. Chavasse, Noel & Christopher 37 The Chavasse twin/s Canon Selwyn Gummer. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1963. 255p; illus BL: X.100/57 The frontispiece showNsoel Godfrey andChristopher Maude Chavasse afterbeing awarded their Bluesby 0UAC in 1907. Bornin16'64, the identicaltwins went up to Trinity College Oxford in 1905, Noel to read [ 4 4 ]