Athletes in Action
HIGH HGRDLES-SC.\L\IARY 120 YDS . Hrcu-HuRDLES. EARL Tno~rso~, CA~ADA, Jor'\T \\yoRLD's RECORD HoLDER, I+g Srcs. THE composite picture on the opposite page shows the complete clearance action of Earl Thomson, Canada, holder of the \Yorld's record. Thomson, it \vill be seen, lowers the heel of the take-off foot to the track, and uses an almost pronounced left-knee bend at the commencement of the take-off for hurdle clearance. This action is accompanied by an exceptionally high knee pick-up of the leading leg and a high, cross-body swing of the hand of the opposite (left) arm. In the next action both arms go forward, as the leading knee rises still higher, with the lower leg hanging vertically down beneath it. As Thomson leaves the ground the thigh of the leading leg is parallel to the track and the body is drawn down above it, by the hands being thrust fon\·ard and directed slightly downwards towards the hurdle. In the fourth attitude Thomsen's legs are at the fullest possible stretch, the leading leg is very high aboYe the hurdle with the toes of the foot directed upwards, the chest is actually in contact with the thigh, the chin is in advance of the leading knee and the left hand \\·ell out beyond the right foot, while the right arm is beginning to come back into a controlled balance position for the landing. Position 5 shows how the left leg is snapped up with knee outwards, and also how Thomson\ tremendously pmverful claw down with the leading leg brings the under-side of the buttock almost down on to the top rail of the hurdle. Note the arm balance and the pronounced forward body-lean. Position 6 is amazing, by reason of the correctness of the arm balance~ the body-lean from foot to head, the forward stride-action of the left leg, the high knee pick-up and the full-strength drive forward from the very toes of the right foot. .......l \0
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