Athletes in Action
201 H P TEP _\... JU~IP. THE JU~IP (14) THE hoot- fini h to the Jump provide a very important f ature of the Hop tcp and Jumper technique, f r a good h ot will land a man inche further along in the pit than the pot hi feet ·would rea -h if h were content, merely to sail down to the landing from the topmo t p int in flight. . \ ompari on between Fig. 13 and Fig If on the opposite page \\ill how that although the head is thrust out and the arm ar wung trongly back to pced up the flight, the body i not, in real it), bent further forward upon th hip . \\ 'hat r ally happen , a will be r 'vcalcd by a car ful study of Fi . I+ oppo ite and a further ompari on of that picture v~ ith Fig. I 3 i that the right leg wing forward fr m below the knee while imultancou<.ly the left thigh i drawn up toward the athlete's eh t . The low r part of the left leg also wing fon'\ard, but th he 1 i not a yet all >Wed to pa a point dir -- ctly below the left knee because the forward S\'\ ing of the lo\ r part of the left leg mu ' t nly be c mplcted when the body begin to trai rht 'n up for th final hoot of the leg to the landing. otc e pc ially the di po' ition f the arm ba k- \\ar i a to th right and to th ide with th left in preparation for a powerful fcH\\ard ' WC p a the h 'cl ut the , and. Thi , next 'nsuing arm action will prc\' nt the athlete from itting do\\'Jl ba h' ards as h lands.
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