Athletes in Action
P TTI \VnAT happens after the shot has left the hand is almost a important as what tak place up to the in tant of delivery. The athlete mu t train him elf to follow through, for thi i a important in hot putting as in billiards or If y u fall w through corr ctly, a ho\ n in Fig. 10 it mean that every possible effort of speed weight, strength and kill ha been put into the delivery. ote that the body- weight continu s to go forward on to the left leg that the right houldcr follow on in the direction of th flight of the shot, while the right elbow bends and the hand leads thr ugh to the left while the left h uld r i k pt up and the ldt arm i · drawn back, bent at the elb w, in tcad of the hand being all wed to fly wildly t the rear. This trick of lifti11g the left shoulder and checking the left arm-swing, by bending tbe arm at the elbow, will help you to hold your cross- leg position long enough. Then omcs a imple, h rt rever e, in which the right f l sho ts forward in a qui k stab t R3 ( ia. \), a the left f ot r lea ·cs its ground h ld and th' left 1 g and left arm are allo'\i ed to swing to the rear. o not forget that th rul s require that you lea c the cir le by the r ar half. It i a good thing for men, who c mp te with a 16-lb. weight, and boys, wh mpete with a 12-lb. weight, to d ome training with 14-lb.• nd Io-lb. hots respective!}, for the akc of building up speed n muscular co-ordination.
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