Athletes in Action
PUTTI~G THE SHOT-SU::\1:\IARY THE GLIDE (XoTL-The pictures are of E. Hirschfeld, Germany. \Vho holds the \\·orld's 16 lb. shot- putting record of 52 ft. 7t ins.) The athlete takes up his position at the back of a 7-ft. circle (Fig. 1), the left leg is then swung up to the front and carried behind the right leg with a circular swing as the body leans forward (Fig. 2). The Glide begins with the forward swing of the left arm and left leg and the drive-off from right foot (Fig. 3). The right leg comes forward as the feet pass above the ground (Fig. +), and the right foot alights at the centre of the circle (Fig. 5). Practise the Glide as a single action to begin with. then knit it on to the putting action (Figs. 6 to 10). N I..N l..n
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