Athletes in Action
PUTTI~G THE SHOT-Sl.J:\L\L\RY TnE PuT \\'urN the Put is to be practised from a standing position the action starts as shown in Fig. I, othen.vise it follows on the Glide (Figs. I to s). In either case haYe the body disposed well over the right leg in the position shm.'\·n in Fig. 6, then let the left shoulder begin to guide the trunk round and, v,·ith a right leg thrust, push up the right hip as the body goes fon.,:ard (Fig. 7). As the shoulders come square to the front lift the right elbow (Fig. 8). Get up on the toes as the right arm shoots out (Fig. 9) and follow on with left shoulder well up (Fig. 10). The put must be made with a strong, rapid lateral swing of the shoulders from right to left (Figs. 6 to 8). N v.l ........
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