Athletes in Action

2 43 H Ml\IER THR WI G (3) TuE turning movement commences when the hammer- head is descending towards the end of the third pre- liminary, standing swing. Just as the hands are coming level with the right hip on the downward pull, and with the required amount of acceleration, the throw r disposes hi weight over the left leg, bends the right knee in a little towards the left, and with the left arm perfectly straight and the right arm bent a trifle at the lbow, begins to spin round upon the ball of the left foot. The heel will come to ground at the nd of the turn but the actual spin should always be made upon the ball of the foot. During the turning mo em nt the arm must be kept as fully ext nded as po ible with full loo eness and mobility f th h uldcrs and the body mu t 1 an away from and resi t the considerable pull of the hammer-head, a hown in Fig. 5 opposite. A th throw r s b dy begin to cume r und toward the direction in whi h it is in- tend d to throw the hammer-head hould rea h the high st point f levati n, whi h may b as much as 9ft. above the ground. Fig. 6 hows how considerable i' the lean it i nece sary to make upon the left 1 g, and the manner in which the right leg should b pi ked up and carried round. ot al o ho\'.'eYer, that the trunk remain virtually upright and that the left arm is still fully xtended. Rcsi t th hammer-pull by the disposition f the body and not by cramping the arms the lbows.