Athletes in Action

THROHT:-..,rG THE ]A FELIN (r) J-~vELI!'i throwing cannot be learned in a hurry. The technique must be mastered step by step. First the run-up, of about 23 yds., must be practised patiently, until neither the stride-length nor the total measurement of the run-up ever v~uies, and the athlete is able to hit the first check-mark (r+ ft. to r6 ft. short of the scratch-line) with his left foot, and the second check-mark (8 ft. to 9 ft. short of the scratch-line) with his right foot. The method of hol.ding the javelin is clearly shown in the illustrations. Learn to manage the weapon by walking about the field and ciJnstantly thrO\.ving the javelin into the ground about 20 ft. ahead of you. In this practice pull the throwing arm back to full extension, ·with a strong sidev;ays bend, to get length into the pull, make the throw over the shoulder, and sway the body upright and to the right, under the javelin. Throw lightly for style. Transmit the power to the javelin in the direction of its own length. In the first place the athlete stands in the position of "attention," with the javelin pointed dowm.vards and the hand holding it disposed close to the right ear and directly over the right shoulder. Xow look at Fig. I opposite. Half the secret of success lies in steadiness and a well- balanced poise during the run. The javelin is pointed downwards to prevent it tipping up when the throwing position (Fig. 6) is gained. As you step off (Fig. 1) turn the right elbow out, let the left arm, bent at the elbO\v, s·wing loosely across the body, straighten the left leg, pick the right knee well up and, simultaneously, pitch the body forward. The right foot hits the ground hard in the first stride. You must step off ·with the right foot to allow the left arm swing to aid the running action and the body must be carried at the true sprinting angle portrayed. Practise this action first at a walk, then at a trot, and, finallv. at a fast run. Do not attempt any throwing until the run has been mastered. · IV 0\ ....