Athletes in Action

PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIP RECORDS EVENT. 1\IINs. SEcs. HOLDER ScHOOL YEAR 100 Yards IOi {C. F. 'N. Harrison Eton 1923 R. S. Rowlands City of London I926 440 Yards 52 D. Barrington-Hudson Imperial Service College I92 88o Yards 2 ri H. S. Townend St. Edmunds, Canterbury I92 I ::\file 4 31~ J. E. Robins Lancing I929 f-::\.1ile Steeplechase 4 3~ V. E. Morgan Charterhouse I923 I2o yards Hurdles I6t E. Cawston Lancing I929 I ::\file Walk 7 28~ L. Watson Rutlish I930 FEET INs. High Jump 5 Ioi• H. A. Simmom Taunton's, Southampton I928 Long Jump 22 3! J. Simpson Oundle I928 Pole Vault 10 I t H. G. Young Bedford Modern School I928 Shot (12 lbs.) 41 I R. A. Gerrard Taunton 1930 Discus 126 of J. S. 1\Ioll Bedford I930 Javelin I 57 If R. A. C. Burnett 1\Ialvern 1930 • At the Olympic Games, 1928, Simmons, while still a schoolboy, jumped 6ft. I~ ins. t Representing Bedfordshire in 1930 F. R. \Vebster, Bedford School, vaulted Io It. 3f ins. On 20.3.3I he cleared Io ft. 5 ins., and on 25·3·3I he accomplished Io ft. 6t ins. U) 0 ..f:>.