Athletes in Action
C TE T PAGE I TRODUCTIO . 7 TARTI G IO Making the Ilolcs · Compact osition ; The Deep reath · teadiness on the Mark. PRI TIN 20 rm ction · Knee Pick-up; Rear Leg "Hang' ; lhe printing Angle. THE QuARTER-MILE 30 Leg Drive; tride Action · Body Poise. HE HALF-MILE 3 print ction ; cceleration from triding; pot the ~ye should \\ atch ; Direct Traction. DISTANCE RuN ING 50 The urm1 tyle; pright Body Poise· High Arm ction; ontinual reeping Forward of Leading Leg. Hrcn HuRDLES 6+ tep-oYer tion ; Body ip ; hin ]ways in Advance of Knee of Leading Leg. Low HuRDLES o Action ess nappy than for High Ilurdl s; tride Length ; 1inimum Body ip. HtcH ]u:-.1P. EASTER CuT-OFF TYLE IOf irect pproach Run; The High Kick; Leg Hang ; Turn and Lay-out ; Landing on the Jumping Foot.
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