Athletic Sports (extract)
The Physical Proportions of the Typical Man healthy persons who had received no pre paratory training. This fact, though really an accidental discovery, was made by con struction a relative standard to work by. If the actual strength exceeded the poten tial strength, the condition was marked plus the amount of the excess. If the actual strength fell short of the potential strength, the condition was marked minus the amount of the deficiency. In order to ascertain the influence ofthe various conditions of life upon the growth and development of the individual, answers to the following questions were solicited : Name ornumber. Class anddepartment, or occupation. Age, yrs. ms. Birthplace. Nationality ofather, mother. " " his father, her father. " " hismother, her mother. Occupation of ather. If father is dead,of what didhe die ? If mother is dead, ofwhat did she die > Which ofyour parents do you most resemble ? ' What hereditarydisease, ifany, is there inyour family ? Is your general health good ? Have youalways had good health ? Check (y/) such of the following diseases as you may have had: — Asthma, Dizziness, Gout, Pleurisy, Palpitation of the Heart, Pneumonia, Habitual Constipation, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Shortness of Breath, Headache, Varicose Veins, Spitting of Blood, Chronic Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Neuralgia, Jaundice, Piles, Liver Complaint, Paralysis. What injuries have you received ? What surgical operation have you undergone ?
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