Athletic Sports (extract)

The Physical Proporiio7is of the Typical Man or card in which his measurements at the parts specified were compared with those of the average man of the same age. If a measurement fellbelow the average,the fact would be indicated by the minus sign following it; if the measurement exceeded that of the average, it would be shown by the plus sign. The interestmanifested in physical ex­ aminations by the public at large during the last few years, and the adoption of my methods and standards of measurement in several institutions of learning, have ena­ bled me to collect sufficientdata to form a more reliable basis for deductionsconcern­ ing the human figure, male and female, and to offer a more attractive form of ex­ pressing these deductions. Every one who has attempted to draw any conclusion from the measurements of the body must have realized the need of some guide that would show at a glance, not only the relative standing of one indi­ vidual as compared with another, but also the relation of every part of the individ­ ual to every other part. Unless these facts are known, all estimates of the physical ability or capacity of a man are simply matters of opinion. One person may be 26