Athletic Sports (extract)

The Physical Proportions of the Typical Man ranging from seventeen to thirty years of age. The reference tables, of which this chart is a reduced skeleton, are the result of seventeen years' observation. The de­ ductions have been drawn from measure­ ments taken largely from the student class of the community. The tablesfor females have been made up from measurements taken by trained assistants at the principal female colleges. The parts at which the observations were made are indicated by the list at the left side of the chart. The perpendicular lines divide into classes all of the measurements for each part that were surpassed or unsurpassed by given percentages of the persons examined, as shown by the figures at the top of the chart. The upper number at the top of a perpendicular line shows the per cent that at each part surpassed the class in­ dicated by that line. The lower number shows the per cent that at each part failed to surpass that class. The small per cent that exactly represented that class at any part —varying as it did with the per cent of that class at every other part, and with the per cent of every other class at every part — is not separately taken intoaccount. 28