Athletic Sports (extract)

The Physical Proportions of the Typical Alan The reference tables from which this chart is made give all the figures repre­ senting the measurements of the fifty-one classes for either sex. These figures are placed where the perpendicular lines in­ tersect the lines leading from the parts measured. The perpendicular line in the centre of the chart is the normal or typical line ; i. e., the line that was represented at each part by a larger per cent of the persons examined than was any other line at any other part. The class marked"minimum" and the class marked "maximum" were each rep­ resented at every part by about one-twen­ tieth of one per cent of all the persons examined. After a few moments' study, it will read­ ily be seen that the uses of the chart are numerous, showing the relation of the in­ dividual to the normal standard, the rela­ tion which every part of the individual bears to every other part, and suggesting many other comparisons of interest. That the unit of measurement should be as small as possible, owing to the ten­ dency of many observers to record a meas­ urement at the nearest whole number, the metric systemwas adopted. 3°