Athletic Sports (extract)

The Physical Proportions of the Typical Matt In computing the normal height,weight, and chest-girth, I used, simply for com­ parison with and in verification of my own deductions, data compiled from various sources, representing over a million meas­ urements of eachof these parts. The directions for the use of the chart are very simple : To findthe standingof an in­ dividual in relation to the total number examined, ascertain which one of the perpendicular lines, at its junction with the horizontal line, is inter­ sected by the dotted line indicating his standing. For instance, if his line, at its junction with the horizontal line leading from the weight, inter­ sect the perpendicular line i mme d i a t e l y u n d e r t h e figure 20, it would indi­ cate that 80 per cent of all those examined sur­ passed him in weight, while the comple­ ment of this, or 20 per cent, failed to sur­ pass him. If, however, his line, where it ntersects 31 Figure F.