Athletic Sports (extract)
'Ifie Physical Proportions of the Typical Man the line of measurement, fall on the line at the right or left of one of the num bered perpendicular lines, add or subtract 2\ per cent, unless it fall outside of either the figure 10 or 90, in which case but ij per cent should be reckoned. As a rule, all the measurements of a small person fall to the left, and all the measurements of a large person fall to the right, of the normal line. If strong forhis age, weight, height, or development, the part of his line that in dicates the strength will be on the right of the part that indicates the age, weight, or measurement. Symmetry will be determined by the de gree to which hisline approaches theper pendicular. Asymmetry, bythe extent to which his line departs from the perpendicular. To ascertain his development as compared with others, observethe intersection ofhis line with the lines of muscle measure ments. His development, as compared with his capacity for development, will be shown by the difference between the muscle meas urements and the bone measurements for corresponding parts ; as the knee, elbow, wrist, etc. 32
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