Athletic Sports (extract)

The Physical Proportions of the Typical Alan Figs. A, B, represent a young man of English descent, twenty-three years of age, weight, 149 pounds, and height 5 feet 6 inches. Upon referring to Chart I.,* wherehis measurements have been plotted, the rela­ tive standing of the young man as com­ pared with the total number examined is readily observed, as well as the relation which every part of the individual bears to every other part. His line, at its juncture with the hori­ zontal lineleading from the age, falls to the right ofthe perpendicularline immediately under the figure 85. This indicates that 1per cent of all those examined sur­ passed him in years, while the comple­ ment of this, or 87^ per cent, failed to surpass him. The weight falls in the 82^ per cent and the height in the 20 per cent class. The height of knee and pubic arch falls to the left, and the sitting height and height of sternum fall to the right of the line indicating the full stature. This dis­ crepancy indicates that his diminutive * This chart is obviously limited in its application to those who have been examined according to the system of measure­ ments herein described. More explicit directions will be fur­ nished by the author to any one desiring to pursue the same method. 33