Athletic Sports (extract)

The Physical Proportions of the Typical Man stature is due to the shortnessof the lower extremities, andthat the upper part of the legs is too short for the lower part. The girthof head is above the 85 per cent line, and the girth of the neck and chest above the 97^ per cent line. The measurements of the waist and hips fall off a little proportionally from those of the chest; but it will be observed that all of the girths areunusually large for the height, indicating a fine muscular develop­ ment. The depth of chest and abdomen, and the breadth of the head, neck, waist, and hips, are relatively small; but the breadth of the shoulders approaches very near to the maximum. The lengthof the upper arm is a trifle short, as shown by themeasurements from the shoulder to the elbow. The forearm and hand are also below the normal in length, but slightly longer in proportion than the upper arm. The left forearm and hand are half a centimetre shorter than the right. This differenceis made appar­ ent by the variation in the points denoting the right and left elbow-tips. There is also a discrepancy in the length of the feet. His horizontal length is about the same 34