Athletic Sports (extract)
The Physical Proportions o/ the typical Man The excess in the chest-girth may be ac counted for by the prominence of the shoulder-blades; forthe girth of the waist is consistent with other measurements. The girth of the hips, thighs, and knees indicates the nearest approach to perfect symmetry that it is possible to attain. The calves are a trifle small, and the insteps somewhat flat; but for these slight deficiencies, and the fact that the upper and lower leg are a few centimetres short, the lower extremities ofthis individual would be perfect in form. The upper and fore arms are too large for the body and limbs, and a trifle inconsistent in themselves, the wrist being rela tively greater in c i r c u m f e r e n c e than the elbows. The falling off in the depth of the chest is very marked, Figure //. 39
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