Athletic Sports (extract)
The Physical Proportions of the Typical Man ence is shown between the standing and horizontal length. The strength-tests in this case, as in the others, approach near to the maximum class. Upon glancingover the chart asa whole, it will be readily seen that the normal po sition of this individual is in the 80 per cent class. Nearly all of the bone meas urements which are not readily changed in adults fall on the 80 per cent line, while those of the softparts which aremore eas ily affected fall above this line. To bring the depth of the chest up to this standard by natural processes, although impossible now, would have been a simple matter in early youth. With this exception, the individual just considered could so develop himself by a judicious course of exercise as to approach very near to perfect symmetry. In this case the dotted line on the chart, indicating the actual and relative standing of the individual at all the parts considered, would be perpendicular. This is thegrand object to be attained. The straight line is the physical sign of health and longevity, of perfect structure andharmony of func tion, and a symmetrical development of the whole body. The weight must not be too great, or 41
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