Athletic Sports (extract)
The Physical Proportions of the Typical Man well wherein kind nature meant you to excel." These are the s ntiments that are shaping the tendencies of the age, and moulding our systems of mental and physical education. In neither case are we looking for improve ment in blood and tissue, or for the pro motion of organic perfection. The leading object is to achieve immediate success in social aims and distinctions; and a false method is taken of attaining even this. In the effort the welfare of both body and mind is frequently jeopardized, and the foundation for vigorous health undermined. Nowhere are these t ndencies to degen eration more apparent than in the radical changes that take place in the physique through impaired nutrition. These changes can readily be observed by comparing the measurements of those in feeble condi tion with the typical or normal standard as shown by the chart. This compari son need not be limited to individuals; for it is fully as applicable to schools, clubs, classes, or communities. While the primary object of the chart is to offer the youth of the land an incentive to proper physical training, and to place in the hands of instructors a key to the strong and weakpoints of their pupils,the author 45
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