Athletic Sports (extract)
53 Physical Characteristics of the Athlete of the individual, it isfair to presume that a like influence will be exerted on the de velopment of a class. The nature of this development may be found by referring to the heavy lines on the chart. Supposing the fifty per cent line to represent the mean measurements of the non-athletic class, the heavy line at the right of the fifty per cent line will then indicate the mean relative FIGURE I. —B , Harvard, '86; age, 23 years, 7 months; weight, 140 lbs.; height, 5feet, 10.9inches. Holds nearly allthe ama teur records from 100 yards to 440 yards,and theHar vard record for ^ mile: 100 yards, 10 seconds'; 11o yards, 11 ^ seconds ; 130 yards, 13seconds ; 180 yards, 18 seconds ; 220 yards, 22 seconds ; 440 yards, 47I seconds. FIGURE 2. — W , Harvard,'82; age, 27 years; weight, 125.7 lbs.; height, 5 feet, 9.7inches. He holds the best Ameri can and college record for 100 yards in 10 seconds. In jus tice to Mr. W it should be said that he consented to have hismeas- urementsandpho- tograph taken at a time when he was not in run ning condition. Figure 2
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