Athletic Sports (extract)
Physical Characteristicsof the Athlete standing of the athletic class. On the other hand, let the fifty per cent line represent the mean measurements of the athletic class, and the mean measurements of the non-athletic classwill be represented by the heavy line at the left of the fifty per cent line. The chart asa whole seems to indi cate that the first and most marked c h a n g e s p r o duced upon the physique by the practice of ath letics are shown in the weight, girth of chest, hips, thighs, and arms, in breadth of shoulders, and in the increased s t r e n g t h o f a l l FIGURF. 3. — B , Harvard, '87; age, 21 years, 7months ;weight, I.41 lbs.; height, 5 feet, II.g inches. Holds the Intercollegiate walking- records from one mile to seven ; has practised walking for last four years ;1 mile, 6 minutes, 592 seconds ; 2 miles, 1 5 minutes, ic^ seconds ;3 miles, 24 minutes, 145 seconds; 7 miles, 58 min- Fignre 3, utes, 52seconds.
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