Athletic Sports (extract)

Physical Characteristics of the Athlete walking. The depth of abdomen and -breadth of waist would not be likely to show a marked change, for reasonsalready given. The depth of chest and breadth of hips, being principally bone measurements, are slow to respond to exercise. The similarity in the two classes between the mean girth of head, knee, in­ step, and wrist, and the length of foot, may perhaps be accounted for by the smallness of the athletic as compared with the non-athletic class. Figure 4. FIGURE 4. — W , Harvard Law School; age, 22 years, 4 months; weight, 136 lbs.; height, 5 feet, 10.3 inches. Holds no records, but has won the quarter-mile race in the Intercollegi­ ate sports for twoyears, and he is a fast runner for all distances between one hundred and fourhundred and forty yards. 57