Athletic Sports (extract)
Physical Characteristics of the Athlete than in the men we are now consider ing. His total height entitles him to a place in the sixty-five per cent class, and his sitting height in the ninety per cent class, while the height o f t h e k n e e remains with t h e t h i r t y , and the pubic arch with the t w e n t y-fi v e per cent class, the most sur prising differ ence being in t h e r e l a t i v e length of the upper arm and the forearm. E i g h t y p e r c e n t o f a l l those exam ined surpassed t h i s m a n i n length of up per arm, and FIGURE 15, A and b, — P , Harvard, Figure 15, a. '87 ; age, 22 years ; weight, 164^lbs.; height, 5 feet, 10.5 inches. Captain of'87 'Var sity Lacrosse team, and full-back of 'Varsity foot-ball eleven for '86 ; has had, at least, four yearsof athletic training.
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