Athletic Sports (extract)

Physical Chavcicteyistics of the Athlete of the arms,chest, back, abdomen,and legs are called upon; and the heart and lungs are often kept ina state of prolonged a c t i v i t y . A s a m e a n s o f g e n e r a l development, few games canbe com­ pared with lacrosse. It has many ofthe advantages ot foot­ ball, without its element of danger, a l t h o u g h t h e method of using t h e s t i c k w h i c h h a s c o m e i n t o practice within the l a s t f e w y e a r s threatens to de­ prive lacrosse of t h i s d i s t i n c t i o n . In the figure under consideration, w e see the result of a harmonious development in all directions. No one pointstands out prominently. The FIGURE 16, a, h, and c. —S , Yale, '8S; age, 24 yeais, 9 months; weight, 149 lbs.; height, 5 feet, 5.4 inches. lias pitched on the Yale base-ball nine for two years, and had con­ siderable experience inball-playing before entering college. Figure 16, a.